Castello di Querceto and James Suckling in China

Dic 8, 2018 | Non categorizzato

Great success of the Great Wines of Italy event held in Beijing on the 2nd and 3rd of December.

On the first evening there was a Gala dinner with a selection of all the taking part wines.

On the following day a large number of visitors came to the Grand Tasting where Castello di Querceto was present with Il Picchio and Cignale.

It was also an opportunity to meet the customers of our importer Chuxiao who greatly appreciated the new vintages of these two wines.

#castellodiquerceto#winetasting #wineevent #sommelier #greatwines #greatwinesofitaly #wineandfood #crus #beijing




125 anni del Castello di Querceto

125 anni del Castello di Querceto

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